To participate in the competition, the candidates had to fill out a special form evaluated by a professional jury. The final decision was also based on factory visits. The winners of the competition were announced in three categories at the the major industrial sector conference Smart Industry 2023 on March 16 where Estiko-Plastar’s CEO Meelis Jürgens accepted the title for Estiko.
During the awarding ceremony, the jury highlighted the top level solutions and developments the winners had successfully implemented to increase efficiency. According to the judges, the continuous investments not only in manufacturing capabilities but also in sustainability and employees have helped to establish the winners as the leaders of the field. “Since the readers got to decide who deserved the award, it is a great honour to us that our activities, contribution and teamwork have been noticed not only by our partners and employees but also externally. Although we have implemented several smart solutions already, there is still a lot of work to be done. Sustainability is also a topic we keep close to our hearts. With the recognition, we strive to set an example for others and continue our mission of creating the future of packaging,” commented Jürgens.
The Factory of the Year award was issued by the Estonian newspaper Äripäev’s theme website for the second time. In addition to reader’s favourite, the professional jury also selected the factory of the year among large companies as well as small and medium-sized companies.
Discover our other recognitions and learn more how we contribute to sustainability.