As packaging acts as the face of the brand, the first consumer impressions made in seconds matter the most. Hence, the main question is how to create a truly eye-catching design that will differentiate the product from others and leave a lasting impression about the brand while helping companies reach their sustainability targets. The answer is responsible printing through extended colour scale, taking traditional printing process to the next step by enhancing the visual appearance.
Introducing responsible printing
Extended colour gamut printing translates to a standard process in which orange, green, and violet (OGV) are added into the cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black) or CMYK mix. This expansion of using up to seven colours allows to achieve a broader spectrum of colours previously out of reach while also reduce the use of spot colours. By using a fixed multi-colour set, your brand can benefit from increased colour accuracy and vibrancy with smooth gradient variations, leaving space for creativity while also contributing to brand loyalty.

Thanks to unlimited colours, the designers have the creative freedom with responsible printing while designing the packaging. Additionally, brand owners can set clear expectations with paper proof as it very accurately resembles the final outcome.
The addition of orange, green and violet colours also contribute to more sustainable printing process. With fixed multi-colour set, fewer spot colours are needed, meaning less wash-ups, waste substrates and washing solvent during printing process. No changes in ink also enables to print multiple jobs in one production, leading to faster product to market speed. All this is achieved without compromising the visually appealing and bright end result and fast product to market speed.
Benefits of responsible printing for brands:
- Increased colour accuracy and vibrancy
- Greater confidence in end-result
- Increased efficiency
- Faster speed to market
- Reduced CO2 footprint
Implementing responsible printing
The process of implementing extended colour gamut printing method follows the traditional routine as with usual CMYK and Pantone designs. After confirming the design, it will go through a case-by-case approach where the specific design is thoroughly assessed together with customer and experts from both Estiko’s and Marvaco’s side to achieve the desired results. During repro works, Marvaco will turn the traditional design into standardized colour palette, emphasising the visual appearance of the packaging.
The repro expert Marvaco has been introduced to a highly skilful, cooperative, and professional team of Estiko. “From the early start, I feel we have had a very constructive and straightforward communication between us as partners.” says Antti Mikkilä, CEO of Marvaco.
Meelis Jürgens, CEO of Estiko-Plastar AS, also comments: “This partnership will undoubtedly benefit our customers in driving not only sustainability, but also helping them to unleash the brand’s potential through packaging that captivates consumers’ attention. We are excited to work with Marvaco to bring our customers’ visions to life.”
To learn more about printing with an extended link set, please get in touch with your local Sales Manager or reach out to our packaging experts at