According to Ireen Saealle, HR Manager of Estiko Group, the company has continuously invested in improving the workplace over the course of two years to establish a strong family-friendly company culture. “When we first joined the programme in the middle of 2018, we had to write a comprehensive motivation letter and justify why Estiko-Plastar would be a great fit for the award. We also had to prepare a preliminary action plan of the measures,” recalled Saealle.
For Estiko-Plastar, joining the program was a great opportunity to show their commitment as a family-friendly employer and increase attractiveness of the company on the labour market. “This recognition is like a quality label. It presents us as a reliable employer for the job seeker and in return assures that the employee is welcomed in a company with set family-friendly management methods. It is also a great way for the company to do a self-check and see if all the activities and measurements implemented so far have been done well enough,” explained Saealle.
For Meelis Jürgens, CEO of Estiko-Plastar, the Family-Friendly Employer’s gold level label also means great responsibility and continuous work to maintain the company culture created. “We are at the beginning of this path,” said Jürgens.
The Family-Friendly Employer programme has been established by the Ministry of Social Affairs in cooperation with Civitta Estonia AS to draw attention to the family-friendly culture in companies. Employers in both private and public sectors as well as civic associations can apply for the label.
Learn more about our values and other recognitions.