January 25, 2024
Estiko Group

Estiko Group Welcomes Year of Culture

Estiko Group Welcomes Year of Culture

With the arrival of the new year, Estiko Group continues its tradition of theme years. This year, the focus is on shaping culture around and within the organization, similar to the events of Tartu as the European Capital of Culture in 2024.

“Estiko’s theme years have always been related to topics that are currently relevant in society and that we consider important to highlight,” said Kristo Seli, CEO of Estiko Group. “As culture is such a broad concept, and not everything related to it can fit into one year, we are focusing on the main traditional cultural fields during Estiko’s year of culture, such as theatre, music, cinema, art, and literature. We also pay attention to organizational culture,” Seli added.

Last year, Estiko Group underwent a rebranding, consolidating the various business areas under one roof and updating the essence, visual identity, and strategy of the brand. This year, the group plans to gradually implement its new face and essence to reach all employees, partners, and city residents. Recently, Estiko Group also held its first Values Day, bringing all employees together to discuss and perpetuate shared values in everyday activities. “Our goal in Estiko Group is to offer a similar approach, service, and quality in every company, regardless of the sector. So that the name Estiko is associated with reliability and superior quality,” Seli commented.

The tradition of theme years began in Estiko in 2021, providing both the employees and the wider public with diverse opportunities throughout the year to develop themselves and spend time together through events and training sessions. In previous years, the group has focused on initiatives such as environmental actions, promoting health, and acquiring knowledge.

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